C is for Compassion
At the end of a session with a client, I will ask the question, “What is your take away from today’s session?” I do this for a few reasons. First, I want to know what was helpful. Second, I want them to reflect on the session. And third, I want them to reinforce whatever was helpful. I always find it so interesting that so often I hear the response, “I need to be kinder to myself.” When I hear this I get so excited, because if that is all they get from coming to therapy, I will have done my job.
I have found that we are so hard on ourselves and others that we take all of the joy out of life. We have this unrealistic expectation that we are supposed to perfect or know how to do everything just right. These expectations rob us of our joy and our energy. Once I have given my client to permission to be kind to herself, she starts to become more compassionate toward herself and toward others.
Please remember to have compassion for self and others, that you are human, and that you are doing the very best that you can.
Julia Manfre is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a National Certified Counselor. She has a Master’s of Education degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Florida Atlantic University. Julia is a psychotherapist, the owner of Self-Care Solutions, a private practice that specializes in empowering women, a podcaster, she hosts the Self-Care Solutions Podcast, a blogger, and a Keynote Speaker. She has years of experience working in substance abuse treatment, crisis, trauma, and women’s issues.
Julia’s mission in life is to empower women and girls. She was a product of divorced parents and was raised by a single mom. She grew up in the DC area or the DMV (DC, Maryland, and Virginia) as it is affectionately known, in a small town in Maryland. She was brought up a die-hard Redskins fan. She loves beading, sewing, ballroom dancing, and Wonder Woman. She is passionate about women’s right and women’s empowerment. Julia is married, has a 6-year-old daughter, Lily, and three guinea pigs named Wuzzy, Lovey, and Yum Yum.